Reiki & Bio-Balancing Therapies
Emotional Trauma: Relief to Resolution™
Emotional trauma is damage or injury to the psyche after living through an extremely frightening or distressing event (or series of events) and may result in challenges in functioning or coping normally after the event. Any situation that leaves you feeling alone and completely overwhelmed can be traumatic - even if there is no physical harm. Emotional trauma can be caused by a one-time event or from ongoing, persistent stresses.
Some causes of potentially traumatic events include -
Some causes of potentially traumatic events include -
- diagnosis of a life-changing, life-threating, or disabling condition
- surgery, especially removal of organs and amputations
- death of a loved one (human or animal); especially untimely death, death due to illness, accident, suicide, etc
- loss of a significant relationship - break up, divorce, or alienation and estrangement
- bullying / mistreatment / harassment or other significantly humiliating experience, whether in childhood or adulthood
- exposure to / survival of natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, fires, or earthquakes; assault (abuse, rape, robbery); war; acts of terrorism
- serious falls and accidents
- poverty / poverty shame or guilt / poverty humiliation
Effects of emotional trauma can be more severe if ...
- you were unprepared for the event, or the event occurred 'out of the blue'
- the event was ongoing such is often the case with abuse, bullying, alienation
- estrangement, war / terrorism
- the event involved extreme cruelty: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc
- you felt powerless to prevent, change, or stop the event
- there was a lack of adequate and / or proper support following the traumatic event
- the traumatizing event happened during a time of, because of, or caused significant financial loss / poverty
Symptoms of emotional trauma may include -
- anxiety, nervousness
- panic attacks
- recurring bouts of anger and / or irritability
- shame
- fear
- detachment from other people and / or emotions
- depression
- exhaustion, fatigue
- easily startled
- nightmares
- intrusive thoughts of the traumatic event that often occur 'out of the blue'
- sexual disturbances
- sleeplessness / insomnia, other changes in sleep patterns
- unexplained / undiagnosed aches and pains
- being constantly on 'high alert' for potential danger
- social isolation / withdrawal
- avoidance of places / activities that trigger memories or feelings of the event
- mood swings
- memory loss, problems concentrating
Emotional trauma can be polarizing, especially when those around you don't understand and / or are unsupportive or unable to support you in the ways you need.
Have you ...
- been in counseling for some time and are still stuck on an emotional rollercoaster?
- become depressed, fallen into feelings of self-worthlessness, despair, or constant negative thoughts?
- isolated yourself as a 'protective' or 'self-preservation' measure?
- become distrusting of everyone?
- become clingy or emotionally dependent on others?
Are you ...
- beating yourself up because you 'didn't see it coming'?
- wondering what you did / did not do that contributed to the situation?
- struggling with understanding what happened?
- at a loss as to how this could have happened?
Do you feel ...
- utterly overwhelmed?
- shocked, confused, numb?
- forever changed at the very core of your being?
Are others making light of it? Have others told you ...
- to just get over it?
- to let it go?
- to stop thinking about it and move on?
- to simply stop worrying about it?
- that you're overreacting?
- that you're being too sensitive?
- it's been XX months / years ...?
(Do you feel like punching those people in the throat?)
As a practitioner and survivor, my areas of special interest include:
- severely altered life direction following physical trauma / injury
- bullying: sibling and peers, including adults
- including life-threatening harassment leading to PTSD/PTSS +Complex
- including sleep deprivation tactics leading to PTSD/PTSS +Complex
- alienation and estrangement by adult children
- sexual assault and sexual harassment
- poverty, poverty degradation, poverty humiliation, poverty shaming
When you work with me, you work with someone who has been through it and who can help you gently move through the maze of emotions, effects, and symptoms. You deserve to take your life back. And the time is now!
Beyond the Emotional Trauma:
6-months to Resolution
$5,556 - cash discount available, conditions apply
- reduce the onslaught of overwhelming emotions that emotional trauma causes
- increase clarity about the situation, gain true understanding
- reduce related anxiety, depression, and feelings of self-worthlessness
- learn to trust again: yourself, others, and the world around you
- (re)discover peace and relaxed states of being
- find inner joy (again) and let it shine!
- significantly increase your chances of moving forward in your life
Includes: 21 Core4 sessions customized to
- retrain and rewire the way your mind-body interprets emotionally charged situations and events
- help you break through the seemingly endless flood of unpredictable emotions
- help you gain mental and emotional strength and clarity
- bring about states of peace and calm
- eject negative energetic vibrations of emotional upset
- bring you back to your center
- facilitate mind-body relaxation
- reduce stress
- Assemblage Point Therapy + four follow-ups
- 1 | Companion Session to help your partner understand what you are really going through and how they can proactively help you when overwhelm strikes (optional)
- discover your secondary gains and resolve them
- 2 | "Destroy the Negative Emotional Patterns" decoding sessions, where applicable, so you receive the best possible results
- 4 | 'urgency' sessions by phone for when you feel utterly overwhelmed and need a hand moving forward, or are stuck with your at-home self-care steps
- development of your personal self-care plan
- quick and easy at-home self-care steps, which you will learn during our time together
- learn how to appropriately and effectively use your newly acquired self-care skills any time you need them
- unlimited email support (within reason); when recovering from acute or long-term emotional upheaval, a mountain of emotions can open at almost any moment, causing temporary loss of clarity, therefore you any number of things can happen along the way, therefore you can email me any time a question arises
From Overwhelm to Peace in 90-Days
$3,482 - cash discount available, conditions apply
- reduce the onslaught of overwhelming emotions that emotional trauma causes
- increase clarity about the situation, gain true understanding
- reduce related anxiety, depression, and feelings of self-worthlessness
- learn to trust again: yourself, others, and the world around you
- (re)discover peace and relaxed states of being
- find your inner joy (again) and let it shine!
Includes: 12 Core4 sessions customized to
- retrain and rewire the way your mind-body interprets emotionally charged situations and events
- help you break through the seemingly endless flood of unpredictable emotions
- help you gain mental and emotional strength and clarity
- bring about states of peace and calm
- eject negative vibrations of emotional upset
- bring you back to your center
- facilitate mind-body relaxation
- reduce stress
- discover your secondary gains and resolve them
- 2 | 'urgency' sessions by phone for when you feel utterly overwhelmed and need a hand moving forward, or are stuck with your at-home self-care steps
- development of your personal self-care plan
- quick and easy at-home self-care steps, which you will learn during our time together
- learn how to appropriately and effectively use your newly acquired self-care skills any time you need them