Reiki & Bio-Balancing Therapies
Events Schedule
Currently, there are no scheduled classes/trainings. Please check back later. Thank you.
Trainings include practical techniques to help you enhance your ability to effectively use the self-help, self-healing methods that you will learn Extensive hands-on exercises for developing and carrying out your skills are included in every course.
Register / Sign-up early. Seating is limited. Class sizes are purposely minimized to assure greater attention to each individual and therefore better understanding and retention of materials by each participant.
Unless otherwise noted, classes are held at Reiki & Bio-Balancing Therapies. Location is subject to change according to class size. Registered participants will be notified of any changes.
Who enrolls in my classes?
Everyone! People from all walks of life find their way here: school teachers, college students, massage therapists, mental health professionals, the physically disabled, sales people, government employees, politicians, stay-at-home moms and dads, ministers/clergy, college/university professors, hospice care providers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, post carriers, construction workers, and the list goes on. People just like you!
Register / Sign-up early. Seating is limited. Class sizes are purposely minimized to assure greater attention to each individual and therefore better understanding and retention of materials by each participant.
Unless otherwise noted, classes are held at Reiki & Bio-Balancing Therapies. Location is subject to change according to class size. Registered participants will be notified of any changes.
Who enrolls in my classes?
Everyone! People from all walks of life find their way here: school teachers, college students, massage therapists, mental health professionals, the physically disabled, sales people, government employees, politicians, stay-at-home moms and dads, ministers/clergy, college/university professors, hospice care providers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, post carriers, construction workers, and the list goes on. People just like you!