Reiki & Bio-Balancing Therapies
Chronic Pain & Chronic Pain Syndrome: Relief to Resolution™
- At present, both chronic pain and chronic pain syndrome are deemed "incurable". Although a cure may one day come, that doesn't help you now. And it is 'the now' you most care about.
- You are in pain all the damn time. You are exhausted from the drain chronic pain causes mentally, emotionally, and socially as well as physically. There are few, if any, positions in which you feel relief. You want to sleep to 'get away' from it, but you hurt too much for peaceful, restoring sleep to come. You feel so stressed and angry and hopeless you could rage against the world ... if only you had the strength, the energy. You don't even remember what pain-free feels like.
- You only know something if you've been through it. When you work with me, you work with someone who has been through it. I know exactly what you are going through. I also know how to help you find measurable relief, perhaps even resolution, because I've done it myself.
- Chronic Pain is so common that new cases are diagnosed at a rate of about 3 million per year. Chronic Pain Syndrome is quickly catching up with those numbers. Symptoms are persistent and can last weeks to years. My Core4 Holistic Healing Strategy can help you overcome. It's designed especially for you.
- Two options to choose from: 90-Day Breakthrough or 6-Months to Resolution. See below.
- Please note that due to the varying causes, severity, and length of chronic pain and chronic pain syndrome, it may be necessary to repeat the program or add additional sessions and/or services to your program of choice to achieve the results you want. Because there are vital differences in how the two regimens are designed, if you choose the 90-Day Breakthrough and decide to upgrade to the 6-Months to Resolution, you will need to restart the program. You cannot downgrade from 6-Months to Resolution to the 90-Day Breakthrough.
Leaving Chronic Pain Behind:
6-months to Resolution
$5,536 - cash discount available, conditions apply
- reduce the level of pain you experience on a daily basis
- reduce the frequency of pain flare-ups / increases
- increase your energy levels so you can enjoy more of each day and life in general
- improve your ability to sleep better, deeper, and more comfortably
- turn hopelessness into optimism by releasing the emotional turmoil chronic pain brings with it
- get out into the world again, socialize with family and friends
- become more confident in your ability to overcome the pain and to successfully manage, control, and reduce pain when it flares-up / increases
- measurably increase your chances of resolving the pain that plagues you
Includes: 18 Core4 sessions targeted to
- retrain and rewire the way your mind-body perceives and processes pain
- reduce pain, and your specific pain symptoms
- release associated emotional upset
- facilitate improved mind-body connections
- 1 | a Companion Session to help your partner understand what you are really going through and how they can proactively help you recover (optional)
- discover your secondary gains and resolve them
- 2 | "Remove the Pain & Pain Trigger Patterns" decoding sessions, where applicable, so you receive the best possible results
- 4 | 'urgency' sessions by phone for when you feel utterly overwhelmed and need a hand moving forward, or are stuck with your at-home self-care steps
- development of your personal self-care plan
- quick and easy at-home self-care steps, which you will learn during our time together
- learn how to appropriately and effectively use your newly acquired self-care skills any time you need them
- unlimited email support (within reason); when recovering from long-term issues, any number of things can happen along the way, therefore you can email me any time a question arises
Taking the Chronic Out of Pain:
90-Day Breakthrough
$3,187 - cash discount available, conditions apply
- reduce the level of pain you experience on a daily basis
- reduce the frequency of pain flare-ups / increases
- increase your energy levels so you can enjoy more of each day and life in general
- improve your ability to sleep better, deeper, and more comfortably
- turn hopelessness into optimism by releasing the emotional turmoil chronic pain brings with it
- get out into the world again, socialize with family and friends
- become more confident in your ability to overcome the pain and to successfully manage, control, and reduce pain when it flares-up / increases
Includes: 9 Core4 sessions targeted to
- retrain and rewire the way your mind-body perceives and processes pain
- reduce pain, and your specific pain symptoms
- release associated emotional upset
- facilitate improved mind-body connections
- discover your secondary gains and resolve them
- development of your personal self-care plan
- quick and easy at-home self-care steps, which you will learn during our time together
- learn how to appropriately and effectively use your newly acquired self-care skills any time you need them